(whose idea of a “perfect” human does she write about, and who does she compare that “perfect human” to?).

Contrary to _______’s vision of a perfect body, the author uses the

comparison of a different philosopher, _______, to illustrate her own idea of a "perfect" human.

are you going to answer that

I apologize for the incomplete response. Without the specific name of the philosopher that the author compares to _______, I cannot provide a direct answer. Could you please provide the name of the philosopher you are referring to?


Contrary to _______'s vision of a perfect body, the author uses the comparison of the philosopher Bozzone to illustrate her own idea of a "perfect" human.

Contrary to _______’s vision of a perfect body, the author uses the example of _______ to show that _________

phrase "perfect human" in quotation marks, suggesting that she is questioning the notion of perfection itself. Therefore, she does not specifically write about any particular person's idea of a "perfect" human.

To find out who the author compares the "perfect human" to, we must look for context within the text. We need more information about the author and the specific text or article being referred to. Could you provide more details or clarify the source?