What are checks and balances ?

Checks and balances are mechanisms in a political system that ensure one branch of government does not become too powerful and abuse its authority. It involves the separation of powers into three branches (legislative, executive, and judicial) and incorporates a system of shared powers and oversight. Each branch is equipped with specific powers to check and balance the others, preventing any branch from dominating or exceeding its authority. For example, the legislative branch makes laws, the executive branch enforces them, and the judicial branch interprets them. Additionally, each branch has the power to scrutinize and limit the actions of the other branches through various means such as vetoes, judicial reviews, and impeachment procedures. These checks and balances aim to maintain a system where power is distributed and accountable, safeguarding against the concentration of power and potential abuses.


Checks and balances are mechanisms that prevent one branch of government from becoming too powerful by ensuring the separation of powers and granting each branch the ability to limit and oversee the actions of the others.

Shorter easy simple meaning .

Checks and balances are a system of controls in a government that prevent one branch from having too much power and enable each branch to limit and supervise the actions of the other branches.