What is 4 1/4% written as a fraction in simplest form?

To write 4 1/4% as a fraction in simplest form, we need to convert the mixed number 4 1/4 to an improper fraction first.

The mixed number 4 1/4 can be written as the improper fraction (4 * 4 + 1)/4 = 17/4.

Now, we convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 1/4 ÷ 100 = 1/400.

Combining the fraction and the decimal, we have:

17/4 + 1/400 = (17 * 100 + 1)/400 = 1700/400 + 1/400 = 1701/400.

So, 4 1/4% written as a fraction in simplest form is 1701/400.


My apologies for the oversight.

To express 4 1/4% (or 4.25%) in simplest form as a fraction, we divide the percentage by 100 and simplify:

4 1/4% = 4.25% = 4.25/100

To simplify this fraction, we divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (which is 25):

4.25/100 = (4.25 ÷ 25)/(100 ÷ 25)
= 0.17/4

Therefore, 4 1/4% written in simplest form as a fraction is 0.17/4.

To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, you need to multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction and then add the numerator.

For the given percentage, 4 1/4%, let's convert the whole number and fraction separately.

First, convert the whole number 4 to a fraction by placing it over 1. This gives you 4/1.

Next, convert the fraction 1/4 to a fraction with the same denominator as the whole number. Since the whole number is 4 and the denominator is 1, you need to multiply 1/4 by 1 to get the same denominator of 4. This gives you 1/4.

Now, add the two fractions: 4/1 + 1/4.

To add fractions, you need to have a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 4.

To make the fraction 4/1 have a denominator of 4, you multiply both the numerator and denominator by 4. This gives you 16/4.

Now you can add the two fractions: 16/4 + 1/4.

Since the denominators are the same, you simply combine the numerators and keep the denominator the same. This gives you 17/4.

Therefore, 4 1/4% written as a fraction in simplest form is 17/4.