What is a sign of positive body image?

A sign of positive body image is having a healthy and confident view of one's own body, without excessive preoccupation or negative self-judgment. Some indicators of positive body image may include:

1. Acceptance: Feeling comfortable and accepting of one's body shape, size, and physical appearance.
2. Self-appreciation: Recognizing and valuing the unique qualities and strengths of one's body.
3. Focus on functionality: Prioritizing the functionality and abilities of the body, rather than solely its appearance.
4. Avoidance of comparison: Avoiding constant comparisons with others and recognizing that each body is unique and has its own beauty.
5. Lack of excessive focus on weight: Not defining self-worth solely based on weight or pursuing unrealistic ideals.
6. Balanced self-care: Engaging in self-care activities that promote physical and mental well-being, such as exercise, nourishing foods, and self-compassion.
7. Positive self-talk: Engaging in positive and affirming self-talk, rather than negative and critical thoughts about one's appearance.
8. Embracing diversity: Appreciating and celebrating diverse body shapes, sizes, and appearances, without judgment or discrimination.
9. Positive body language: Demonstrating open and confident body language, such as good posture and maintaining eye contact.
10. Respecting boundaries: Respecting personal boundaries and advocating for them, including setting boundaries with others regarding body-related comments or discussions.

It is important to note that positive body image is a journey and can fluctuate over time.