act 3, scene 3, how does romeo handle the news that he has been exiled from Verona?

Use quote to support your answer in act 3, scene 3.

In Act 3, Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo handles the news of his exile from Verona with despair and desperation. He is distraught at the thought of being separated from Juliet and being banished from his hometown. Here is a quote that supports this:

"Ha, banishment? Be merciful, say 'death,'
For exile hath more terror in his look,
Much more than death. Do not say 'banishment'" (III.iii.12-14).

This quote shows Romeo's initial reaction to the news of his exile. He pleads for a different punishment, even suggesting that death would be a more merciful fate than banishment. This highlights the depth of his love for Juliet and his inability to fathom a life without her. Romeo's dramatic response demonstrates his intense emotional state and his feeling of hopelessness.