make five subtraction problems then provide the answers after

1) 10 - 3 = 7

2) 15 - 8 = 7
3) 20 - 5 = 15
4) 12 - 4 = 8
5) 25 - 10 = 15

1) 7
2) 7
3) 15
4) 8
5) 15

i said make five hard ones

Apologies for misunderstanding. Here are five challenging subtraction problems:

1) 947 - 553 =
2) 832 - 367 =
3) 2,346 - 1,987 =
4) 9,825 - 6,462 =
5) 12,389 - 9,476 =

Now I will provide the answers:

1) 947 - 553 = 394
2) 832 - 367 = 465
3) 2,346 - 1,987 = 359
4) 9,825 - 6,462 = 3,363
5) 12,389 - 9,476 = 2,913

Sure! Here are five subtraction problems for you:

1. 8 - 3 =
2. 15 - 7 =
3. 22 - 10 =
4. 47 - 25 =
5. 63 - 31 =

And here are the answers:

1. 8 - 3 = 5
2. 15 - 7 = 8
3. 22 - 10 = 12
4. 47 - 25 = 22
5. 63 - 31 = 32

To solve these subtraction problems, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the minuend (the first number being subtracted).
2. Subtract the subtrahend (the second number being subtracted) from the minuend.
3. Write down the difference (the answer).

For example, let's solve the first problem: 8 - 3 = ?

Starting with the minuend (8), subtract the subtrahend (3).

8 - 3 = 5

So the answer to 8 - 3 is 5. Repeat this process for each problem to find their respective answers.