What happens when a tennis racket hits a ball?(1 point) Responses Kinetic energy is transferred from the racket to the ball. Kinetic energy is transferred from the racket to the ball. Kinetic energy is created. Kinetic energy is created. Kinetic energy is transferred from the ball to the racket. Kinetic energy is transferred from the ball to the racket. Potential energy in the racket is transferred to the ball.

When a tennis racket hits a ball, kinetic energy is transferred from the racket to the ball. This means that the energy of motion possessed by the racket is transferred to the ball, causing it to start moving and gaining kinetic energy. The impact between the racket and the ball causes the ball to accelerate and move in the direction of the racket's swing. The transfer of kinetic energy allows the ball to travel across the court, and the amount of kinetic energy transferred depends on factors such as the speed, mass, and angle of the racket's swing, as well as the elasticity of the ball. It is important to note that potential energy in the racket is not directly transferred to the ball. Instead, the potential energy in the racket is converted to kinetic energy during the swing, and then it is transferred to the ball upon impact.