Why did early Chinese civilizations and dynasties thrive for thousands of years with little outside influence?

(1 point)

The Great Wall prevented invasions.

The Great Wall prevented invasions.

The Chinese did not need to trade for goods and resources.

The Chinese did not need to trade for goods and resources.

Mountains and deserts provided natural barriers.

Mountains and deserts provided natural barriers.

China is protected by water on all sides.

China's early civilizations and dynasties thrived for thousands of years with little outside influence due to a combination of factors. One major factor was the presence of natural barriers such as mountains and deserts. These geographical features acted as physical barriers, making it difficult for invaders to penetrate into China's heartland. As a result, Chinese civilizations were able to develop and flourish without constant external threats.

Another factor was the construction and maintenance of the Great Wall of China. While the Great Wall is commonly associated with defense against military invasions, it also served as a symbol of China's strength and deterrence. The vastness and scale of the Great Wall made it a formidable obstacle for potential invaders, further safeguarding Chinese territories.

Additionally, China's geographical location played a role in its isolation. China is bordered by a number of natural barriers, such as large mountain ranges and expansive deserts, which made it less accessible to outsiders. Furthermore, China's eastern coastline is surrounded by water, providing an additional level of protection against would-be invaders.

Furthermore, early Chinese civilizations were largely self-sufficient in terms of resources and domestic production. The fertile land along major rivers like the Yellow River and Yangtze River allowed for agricultural productivity, providing abundant food supplies. China's vast territory also contained a wide range of natural resources, including minerals and metals. This self-sufficiency reduced the need for extensive trade and dependency on external sources of goods and resources.

In summary, the combination of natural barriers, the Great Wall, and self-sufficiency in resources allowed early Chinese civilizations and dynasties to thrive for thousands of years with little outside influence.

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