a) A graph is proportional if it represents a direct variation or a linear relationship between two variables. This means that as one variable increases, the other variable also increases or decreases at a constant rate. In a proportional graph, the points will lie on a straight line that passes through the origin (0,0) and is not curved or angled.

b) An equation is proportional if it can be expressed in the form y = kx, where y and x are variables and k is a constant. In a proportional equation, as x increases, y also increases or decreases at a constant rate determined by the value of k. An example of a proportional equation is y = 2x, where y is directly proportional to x with a constant of proportionality equal to 2. On the other hand, an equation that is not proportional could be y = x^2, where y is not directly proportional to x and the graph would form a curve.

c) A table is proportional if the ratio between each pair of corresponding values in the table is constant. In a proportional table, as one value increases or decreases, the other value also increases or decreases at a constant rate. The values in a proportional table would have a constant ratio. reword this bot

c) A table is proportional if the relationship between the values in each row is constant. To determine if a table is proportional, we can calculate the ratio between each pair of corresponding values. If the ratio is the same for all pairs, then the table is proportional. Alternatively, we can plot the values on a graph and check if they form a straight line passing through the origin. If they do, then the table is proportional.