articles of confederation influenced short answer

The Articles of Confederation were the first constitution of the United States, and they had a significant influence on the development of the country. Here are the ways in which the Articles of Confederation influenced the United States:

1. Structure of Government: The Articles of Confederation established a weak central government with most political power left to the individual states. They created a unicameral legislature, where each state had only one vote, regardless of its population or size. This structure was designed to avoid a strong central government like the British monarchy that the colonists had just fought against.

2. Limited Powers: Under the Articles of Confederation, the central government had limited powers. It could not tax, regulate trade, or enforce its decisions on the states. This was done to prevent the government from becoming too powerful and encroaching on individual liberties. However, this limited power also made it difficult for the government to effectively govern and address national issues.

3. Cooperation Among States: The Articles of Confederation encouraged cooperation among the states in areas such as defense, trade, and settling territorial disputes. It established a framework for states to work together and resolve conflicts peacefully. This spirit of cooperation laid the groundwork for the formation of a stronger federal government in the future.

4. Land Ordinance of 1785 and Northwest Ordinance: The Articles of Confederation authorized the creation of the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. These laws provided a structured system for acquiring, organizing, and governing new territories. They also established a process for admitting new states to the Union, which paved the way for westward expansion.

5. Weaknesses and Lessons Learned: The limitations and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation became evident over time, leading to a push for a stronger central government. The experiences under the Articles demonstrated the need for a united and empowered federal government capable of addressing national issues, collecting taxes, and regulating trade. This ultimately led to the creation of the Constitution of the United States in 1787.

In summary, the Articles of Confederation influenced the United States by structuring a weak central government, emphasizing cooperation among states, establishing processes for acquiring and governing territories, and exposing the drawbacks of a limited government.