Which two types of media best help to explain a recipe select the two answers

To determine the two types of media that best help to explain a recipe, we can consider some common options and evaluate their effectiveness. Here are a few examples:

1. Text: Written instructions in the form of a recipe can be very effective in explaining the steps and ingredients of a dish. This is a traditional and commonly used medium for conveying recipes.

2. Images: Including photographs or illustrations alongside written instructions can greatly enhance the understanding of a recipe. Visual cues help users to better visualize the final dish, ingredients, and cooking techniques.

3. Video: Creating a video tutorial can be a highly effective way to explain a recipe. Showing the steps in real-time allows viewers to follow along more easily, observe specific techniques, and gain a better understanding of the cooking process.

4. Infographics: These visually appealing graphics combine text, icons, and illustrations to present information in a concise and digestible format. Recipe infographics can outline ingredients, measurements, and steps in a visually engaging manner.

Considering these options, the two types of media that best help to explain a recipe are text and images. Including clear and concise instructions in written form, accompanied by relevant images, allows users to understand the recipe's details and visualize the end result.