When the Moon is positioned between the Sun and Earth, we are seeing a __________ moon.

A newnew
B fullfull
C halfhalf
D crescent

When the Moon is positioned between the Sun and Earth, we are seeing a Crescent moon.

To understand why, let's break down the question and consider the positions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon.

In this scenario, the Moon is positioned between the Sun and Earth. The Sun always illuminates the Moon, but since the Moon orbits around the Earth, the amount of illumination we can see from Earth varies.

Now, let's think about the different phases of the Moon. A "new" moon occurs when the side of the Moon that faces the Earth is not illuminated by the Sun at all. In other words, the Moon appears completely dark or invisible from Earth.

On the other hand, a "full" moon occurs when the Earth is positioned between the Sun and the Moon. In this case, the side of the Moon that is facing Earth is fully illuminated by the Sun, making it appear as a complete circle from our perspective.

Now, looking at the options provided, we can eliminate options A and B ("newnew" and "fullfull") since they don't match the scenario described in the question.

That leaves us with the remaining options: "halfhalf" and "crescent". When the Moon is positioned between the Sun and Earth, we see a "crescent" moon. A crescent moon appears as a small, curved shape, where only a portion of the Moon is illuminated by the Sun.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is D) crescent.