Which belief did Presidents Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson share?

(1 point)

The federal government should not be involved in the free enterprise system.
The federal government should not be involved in the free enterprise system.

The federal government should regulate unfair business practices.
The federal government should regulate unfair business practices.

The federal government should supply jobs to the unemployed.
The federal government should supply jobs to the unemployed.

The federal government should support unions in labor disputes.
The federal government should support unions in labor disputes.

The correct answer is: The federal government should regulate unfair business practices.

To get this answer, we can look at the policy positions and actions of Presidents Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson during their respective administrations.

Starting with President Roosevelt, he believed in the concept of progressive reform and believed that the federal government should regulate unfair business practices. He advocated for breaking up powerful corporations known as trusts and enforcing regulations to ensure fair competition in the marketplace. One of the key pieces of legislation he supported was the Sherman Antitrust Act, which aimed to prevent monopolistic practices and promote fair competition.

President Taft, who succeeded Roosevelt, continued his predecessor's stance on regulating unfair business practices. Taft implemented trust-busting policies and brought several antitrust actions against large corporations during his presidency. His administration was known for its strict enforcement of antitrust laws.

President Wilson, who followed Taft, also shared the belief in regulating unfair business practices. He signed into law the Clayton Antitrust Act, which further strengthened antitrust regulations and provided protections for labor unions. Wilson's administration actively pursued actions against monopolies and businesses engaging in unfair practices.

So, all three presidents - Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson - believed that the federal government should regulate unfair business practices.