Which of the following statements best describes voter suppression?(1 point)

To determine which of the following statements best describes voter suppression, we will need to evaluate each statement and consider their accuracy and relevance to the concept of voter suppression. Here are the statements:

1. Voter suppression is the act of intentionally or systematically inhibiting certain individuals or groups from voting in elections.

2. Voter suppression refers to the practice of manipulating election results to favor a particular candidate or party.

3. Voter suppression is an effort to encourage citizens to exercise their right to vote by providing them with accurate information and increasing voter turnout.

To determine the best statement, we need to consider the definition and common understanding of voter suppression. While all statements mention elements related to voting, statement 1 is the most accurate and encompassing description of voter suppression.

Statement 1 correctly defines voter suppression as an intentional or systematic inhibition of certain individuals or groups from voting in elections. This includes tactics such as imposing strict voter ID requirements, purging voter rolls, gerrymandering, reducing polling locations, and spreading misinformation among other techniques to discourage, deter, or exclude certain voters.

Therefore, statement 1 best describes the concept of voter suppression.