Make me 10 questions I could put in a test about East asia. Make the questions about religion, philosophies, government, and economy. be sure to include the terms Communist, Autocracy, Parliamentary Democracy, Constitutional Monarchy, Presidential Democracy, and Semi-Presidential Democracy.

Sure! Here are 10 questions you can use for a test about East Asia:

1. Which religion is predominantly practiced in Japan?
To answer this question, students should have knowledge of East Asian religions and specifically the dominant religion in Japan, which is Buddhism.

2. Name two major philosophies that have influenced Chinese culture and civilization.
Answering this question requires understanding of the major philosophical traditions in China, such as Confucianism and Taoism.

3. Which East Asian country has a Communist system of government?
To answer this question, students need to be aware of the political system in East Asia and identify the country that follows a Communist ideology, which is China.

4. What type of government does North Korea have?
This question requires knowledge of political systems and specifically understanding the unique political structure of North Korea, which is an autocracy.

5. Which type of government does Japan have?
To answer this question, students need to be familiar with different forms of government and identify the correct type, which is a constitutional monarchy.

6. South Korea is often referred to as a "Presidential Republic." What does this mean?
Answering this question requires understanding of political terminology and knowing the political system of South Korea, which is a presidential democracy.

7. What type of government does Taiwan have?
To answer this question, students need to be knowledgeable about different forms of government and identify the correct type, which is a semi-presidential democracy.

8. Which East Asian country has a parliamentary democracy?
To answer this question, students need to be aware of different types of governments and identify the country that follows a parliamentary democracy, such as Japan or South Korea.

9. Identify two key industries contributing to China's economy.
Answering this question requires knowledge of the Chinese economy and being familiar with the major industries driving its growth, such as manufacturing and technology.

10. Which East Asian country is known for its strong export-driven economy?
To answer this question, students need to be aware of the economic situations in East Asia and identify the country that heavily relies on exports, such as South Korea.

Remember, these questions can serve as a starting point, and you can further modify or expand them based on the specific topics and depth of knowledge you want to assess.