Simplify algebraic expressions quick check answers:

1. 12x
2. 3g - 5h
3. 10a + 2b + 5
4. 5/7x
5. 5/14c - 2/9d
100% correct for 7th grade
Have a nice day UwU

To simplify algebraic expressions, you generally want to combine like terms and simplify any fractions or decimals. Here are the step-by-step explanations for simplifying each of the given expressions:

1. 12x: This term has no like terms to combine with, so it is already in its simplest form.

2. 3g - 5h: Similarly, this expression does not have any like terms, so it cannot be simplified further.

3. 10a + 2b + 5: This expression has three terms, but they cannot be combined because they are not like terms. Therefore, it is already in its simplest form.

4. 5/7x: In this case, you have a fraction multiplied by x. To simplify, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by 7. So the simplified expression is (5/7)x.

5. 5/14c - 2/9d: Here, you have two fractions with unlike denominators. To combine them, you need to find a common denominator. In this case, the least common multiple (LCM) of 14 and 9 is 126. Then, you need to adjust the numerators accordingly. Multiply the first fraction by 9/9 and the second fraction by 14/14 to rewrite them with a common denominator. Now, you have (45/126)c - (28/126)d. Finally, you can combine the fractions to get (45c - 28d)/126.

It seems like all the given expressions are already simplified correctly. It's great to see that you got them all right!