Nora solved an inequality and graphed the solution on the number line. Which of the following inequalities did she solve?

(line graph goes from -10 to 10)

empty circle at 1.75 and a arrow pointing this way <----

A. 1.75x < 3.5
B. 4x > 7
C. 6x < 10.5
D 8x > 14

To determine which inequality Nora solved, we need to analyze the given graph on the number line. The graph shows an empty circle at 1.75 and an arrow pointing in the opposite direction, which usually indicates that the number is not included in the solution set.

Looking at the options:
A. 1.75x < 3.5
B. 4x > 7
C. 6x < 10.5
D. 8x > 14

We can eliminate options A, B, and D because they involve strict inequalities (< or >), and the graph shows an empty circle, suggesting that 1.75 is not included in the solution set.

The only option left is C. 6x < 10.5. This inequality satisfies the graph because it represents values less than 1.75, and the empty circle on the graph confirms that 1.75 is not included in the solution set.

Therefore, the inequality Nora solved is 6x < 10.5.