dentify the incorrectly punctuated sentence. (1 point) Responses Remember to turn off the lights and lock the door. Remember to turn off the lights and lock the door. On our trip we will be driving, and taking the train. On our trip we will be driving, and taking the train. Fred will feed the cat, and Rose will pick up the mail. Fred will feed the cat, and Rose will pick up the mail. The weekend was short but fun.

There is no incorrect punctuation in any of the sentences. They are all correctly punctuated.


I apologize for the mistake. The incorrectly punctuated sentence is: "On our trip we will be driving, and taking the train." The correct punctuation should be: "On our trip, we will be driving and taking the train."

The incorrectly punctuated sentence is: "On our trip we will be driving, and taking the train."

To identify incorrectly punctuated sentences, you need to look for mistakes in punctuation, such as the usage of commas, periods, question marks, exclamation marks, etc. In this case, the comma in the sentence is incorrectly placed.

If you are unsure of the correct punctuation, you can follow these general rules:

1. Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction (such as "and," "but," "or") to separate two independent clauses. For example: "Fred will feed the cat, and Rose will pick up the mail."

2. Do not use a comma before a coordinating conjunction when there is only one subject and verb. For example: "The weekend was short but fun."

Based on these rules, you can determine that the incorrect sentence is: "On our trip we will be driving, and taking the train." The correct punctuation would be: "On our trip, we will be driving and taking the train."