Connect the changing role of women during World War I to the international movement for women's suffrage. (1 point)

During World War I, women played a critical role in various aspects of society due to the shortage of men in the workforce. They filled jobs traditionally held by men, such as working in factories, offices, and farms, while also providing support through volunteering for organizations like the Red Cross. This shift in the role of women led to a greater recognition of their capabilities and contributions, challenging societal norms and expectations.

The changing role of women during the war coincided with the international movement for women's suffrage. As women took on new responsibilities and demonstrated their competence and dedication, it became increasingly difficult to deny them their right to vote. Their participation in the war effort highlighted the hypocrisy of denying women political rights while simultaneously relying on their support.

The contributions of women during World War I also drew attention to the issue of gender equality on a global scale. This led to increased activism and organization for women's suffrage, both at the national and international levels. Women's suffrage movements gained momentum and support as women demanded greater political rights and representation, recognizing that their efforts during the war demonstrated their capability to influence society's well-being.

Therefore, the changing role of women during World War I played a significant role in the international movement for women's suffrage. Their participation in the war effort challenged traditional gender roles and highlighted the injustice of denying women political rights. Ultimately, their contributions and activism during this period helped pave the way for the eventual granting of the right to vote for women in many countries around the world.