1.2 needs to have diverse professional in all roles of the functions.

A) Public relations department
B) Relationship marketing
C) Public relation
D) Media relation

To achieve diversity in all roles of the functions, the following steps can be taken:

A) Public relations department:
1. Establish an inclusive hiring process that encourages diverse candidates to apply.
2. Implement diversity training programs to raise awareness and address biases within the department.
3. Create mentorship programs that pair diverse employees with senior staff.
4. Foster a culture of inclusion by promoting diversity and celebrating different perspectives.

B) Relationship marketing:
1. Develop a diverse team with members from different backgrounds and experiences.
2. Encourage cross-cultural communication and understanding within the team.
3. Provide ongoing training on cultural sensitivity and awareness.
4. Actively seek diverse perspectives when developing marketing strategies and campaigns.

C) Public relations:
1. Ensure that job postings and recruitment efforts reach a diverse pool of candidates.
2. Implement strategies to remove biases from the hiring and evaluation process.
3. Provide equal opportunities for career development and advancement for all employees.
4. Encourage cultural competence and understanding among public relations professionals.

D) Media relations:
1. Engage with diverse media outlets and journalists to ensure representation and inclusion.
2. Develop relationships with minority-owned or focused media organizations.
3. Encourage diverse voices and perspectives in media outreach and storytelling.
4. Train media relations professionals on cultural competency and inclusivity.

Overall, it is important to create an inclusive and equitable work environment that attracts and retains diverse professionals in all roles of the functions. This can be achieved through deliberate efforts in recruitment, training, and promoting diversity and equal opportunities throughout the organization.