The turkey vulture's diet consists almost entirely of carrion, which is decaying animal matter, like roadkill and human garbage. They will rarely eat live prey (such as sick or dying birds and rodents) and plants. How are they classified?(1 point)Responsesautotrophautotrophherbivoreherbivoreomnivoreomnivorecarnivore

Why is each level of the energy pyramid smaller than the level directly below it?(1 point)ResponsesBecause about 10% of the energy is converted to heat when organisms become ill and another 10% when they die.Because about 10% of the energy is converted to heat when organisms become ill and another 10% when they die.Because the sizes of each level show that 10% is consumed by organisms at that level.Because the sizes of each level show that 10% is consumed by organisms at that level.Because 10% of the energy at each level moves to the next level and some additional energy is converted to heat.Because 10% of the energy at each level moves to the next level and some additional energy is converted to heat.Because 90% of the energy is passed on to the next level to be used by the organisms there.

Because 10% of the energy at each level moves to the next level and some additional energy is converted to heat.

What is the difference between a consumer and a producer?(1 point)ResponsesConsumers are organisms that eat both plants and animals. Producers are organisms that eat only plants.Consumers are organisms that eat both plants and animals. Producers are organisms that eat only plants.Consumers are organisms that eat other organisms. Producers are organisms that makes their own food using the energy from the sun.

Consumers are organisms that eat other organisms. Producers are organisms that make their own food using the energy from the sun.

Which type of organism is the first organism in an energy pyramid or food chain?(1 point)Responsesprimary consumerprimary consumersecondary consumersecondary consumerproducerproducertertiary consumertertiary consumer

The first organism in an energy pyramid or food chain is a producer.

Which type of organism is the first organism in an energy pyramid or food chain?(1 point)Responsesprimary consumerprimary consumersecondary consumersecondary consumerproducerproducertertiary consumer

The first organism in an energy pyramid or food chain is a producer.

Based on the information provided, the turkey vulture can be classified as an omnivore. An omnivore is an organism that has a diet consisting of both plant material and animal matter. In the case of the turkey vulture, although its diet primarily consists of carrion (decaying animal matter), it will also consume live prey such as sick or dying birds and rodents. This means that it obtains nutrients from both plant and animal sources, which aligns with the definition of an omnivore.

The turkey vulture is classified as a carnivore.