When it comes to educational desires for oneself, family, and nation, the following aspirations are commonly held:

1. Quality Education: A desire for oneself, family, and nation to have access to high-quality education that provides a well-rounded and comprehensive curriculum.

2. Lifelong Learning: A desire to instill a love of learning in oneself, family, and nation, promoting a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and personal development.

3. Equal Opportunities: A desire for educational opportunities to be accessible and available to all individuals, regardless of their background, socioeconomic status, or other factors.

4. Critical Thinking Skills: A desire to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in oneself, family, and nation, enabling individuals to analyze and evaluate information, make informed decisions, and contribute to society.

5. Cultural and Global Awareness: A desire for an education that fosters an understanding and appreciation of various cultures, traditions, and global perspectives, promoting tolerance, empathy, and collaboration.

6. Entrepreneurial and Innovation Mindset: A desire to cultivate an entrepreneurial and innovation mindset, encouraging individuals to think creatively, take risks, and develop skills necessary for adapting to a rapidly changing world.

7. Ethical and Moral Values: A desire for education to impart ethical and moral values, promoting integrity, empathy, and responsible citizenship.

8. Career Readiness: A desire for education to equip individuals with relevant skills and knowledge needed for success in their chosen careers, ensuring a smooth transition from education to the workforce.

9. Personal Growth and Well-being: A desire for education to prioritize holistic development, including mental, emotional, and physical well-being, promoting self-awareness, resilience, and a balanced lifestyle.

10. Sustainable Development: A desire for education to contribute to sustainable development goals, such as environmental conservation, social justice, and economic growth, encouraging individuals to become responsible global citizens.

These are some of the common educational desires that individuals, families, and nations aspire to achieve for personal, familial, and societal growth and progress.