Which is caused by the difference in density of oceanic and continental plates?(1 point)



pyroclastic flows
pyroclastic flows


rift valleys


Which processes are important in the formation of volcanic arcs at the edge of continental plates? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)


plate divergence
plate divergence


passing over a hotspot
passing over a hotspot


uplift and subduction

The oldest of Hawaii's volcanic islands are those that(1 point)


have not yet reached the hotspot.
have not yet reached the hotspot.

are a short distance past the hotspot.
are a short distance past the hotspot.

are the farthest distance from the hotspot.
are the farthest distance from the hotspot.

are on top of the hotspot.

are the farthest distance from the hotspot.

The correct answer is subduction. The difference in density between oceanic and continental plates is the main cause of subduction. To understand this concept, let's break it down:

1. Start by understanding what subduction is: Subduction is a geological process where one tectonic plate moves beneath another plate and sinks into the Earth's mantle.

2. Oceanic plates are typically denser than continental plates: Oceanic plates are primarily composed of basalt, which is denser compared to the granite composition of continental plates.

3. When an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate: The denser oceanic plate sinks beneath the lighter continental plate in a process called subduction.

4. This subduction occurs at convergent plate boundaries: Convergent plate boundaries are areas where two tectonic plates collide, with one oceanic plate and one continental plate.

5. As the oceanic plate subducts: It sinks into the Earth's mantle, creating a subduction zone. This zone can lead to various geological phenomena such as volcanic activity and earthquakes.

So, in summary, the difference in density between oceanic and continental plates causes subduction at convergent plate boundaries.