define what delinquent means

To define what "delinquent" means, we can refer to various sources including dictionaries and online resources. One common definition of "delinquent" is an adjective that describes a person, usually young, who has a tendency to commit minor crimes or engage in behavior that is considered to be against societal norms or rules.

To get an official definition from reputable sources, we can consult a dictionary website such as Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary. Here's how you can find the definition yourself:

1. Open a web browser and go to a reputable dictionary website, such as Merriam-Webster ( or Oxford English Dictionary (
2. In the search bar on the homepage, type in "delinquent"
3. Click on the search icon or press Enter to initiate the search.
4. The search results page will display the definition, along with any additional information about the word's usage, origins, or related forms.

By following these steps, you can find the precise definition of "delinquent" from reliable sources.