The smell of cookfires rose sweetly in the deep woods. Our footsteps made the leaves crackle. Up above, the blood red moon smiled down on our journey.

What effect does the language have on the historic setting?

(1 point)

Imagery helps engage the reader’s senses.
Imagery helps engage the reader’s senses.

Location-specific details indicate a specific region.
Location-specific details indicate a specific region.

The word choice reflects the time period.
The word choice reflects the time period.

Items from the past reveal the time period

The language of the passage helps to engage the reader's senses through vivid imagery, such as the smell of cookfires and the sound of leaves crackling underfoot. This creates a vivid and immersive experience for the reader and helps to bring the historical setting to life. The passage also includes location-specific details, such as the deep woods and the blood red moon, which further enhance the historic setting by indicating a specific region. Additionally, the word choice in the passage reflects the time period, as it uses descriptive language and imagery that is often associated with historical settings. Overall, the language in the passage contributes to creating an authentic and immersive historic setting.