Which two statements are correct when simplifying this expression?

−7(9x − 5)

A First, distribute −7.First, distribute −7.

B First, calculate −7 + (−5).First, calculate −7 + (−5).

C −7(9x −5) = −63x − 35.−7(9x −5) = −63x − 35.

D −7(9x −5) = −63x + 35.−7(9x −5) = −63x + 35.

E −7(9x −5) = 63x − 35.−7(9x −5) = 63x − 35.

A and C are the correct statements when simplifying this expression.

A is correct because the first step in simplifying the expression is to distribute the -7 to both terms inside the parentheses. This results in -63x + 35.

C is correct because it correctly states the simplified expression after distributing the -7. The simplified expression is -63x - 35, not -63x + 35 as stated in options D and E.