Devon uses the following procedure to plot Negative StartFraction 5 Over 6 EndFraction.

Step 1: Draw a number line with labeled points Negative 1, 0, and 1.

A number line going from negative 1 to positive 1.

Step 2: Consider the denominator of the fraction to determine how to divide the number line: sixths.

Step 3: Divide the space between integers into sixths.

A number line going from negative 1 to positive 1. There are 6 equal spaces between each number.

Step 4: Use the numerator of the fraction to count the spaces to the right of Negative 1 and mark the point.

A number line going from negative 1 to positive 1. There are 6 equal spaces between each number. A point is 1 mark to the left of 0.

Which best describes Devon’s first error?
In Step 1, Devon should have included only the numbers 0 and 1 on the number line
In Step 2, Devon should have used the numerator to determine the scale.
In Step 3, Devon should have divided the space between Negative 1 and 1 into sixths.
In Step 4, Devon should have counted 5 spaces to the left of 0.

The best description would be: In Step 4, Devon should have counted 5 spaces to the left of 0.