“Before you take me up to bed, will you tell me a story?”

“Do you actually need me to take you up to bed?” I asked the boy.

He thought for a moment. Then, with intense seriousness, “Yes, actually I think you do. It’s because of, I’ve finished my homework, and so it’s my bedtime, and I am a bit scared. Not very scared. Just a bit. But it is a very big house, and lots of times the lights don’t work and it’s a sort of dark.”

The boy expresses his need for someone to take him up to bed due to a combination of factors. Firstly, he mentions that he has finished his homework, implying that it is now his designated bedtime. This suggests that he wants assistance in following his daily routine and maintaining a sense of structure. Additionally, he reveals that he is slightly scared, but not overly so. This implies that he seeks reassurance and comfort in a situation where he may feel vulnerable or uneasy. The boy also highlights that the house is large and the lights often do not work, contributing to a dark and potentially unfamiliar environment. This indicates that the boy desires companionship and guidance through the house, possibly to alleviate any fears or anxieties that may arise in such conditions. Overall, the boy's request for a bedtime story and assistance to his room reflects a need for emotional support and a sense of security.