In the picture, one angle is labeled 22° and lines S and T are parallel. Which other three angles will be 22° ?

To determine the other three angles that will be 22°, we need to use the properties of parallel lines.

Since line S is parallel to line T, any pair of corresponding angles will be equal. In this case, the angle labeled 22° and the angle directly across from it on the other side of line S will be equal. Let's call this angle A. Thus, angle A is 22°.

Similarly, any pair of alternate interior angles formed when a transversal intersects parallel lines will be equal. In this case, the angle labeled 22° and the angle directly across from it on the other side of line T will be equal. Let's call this angle B. Thus, angle B is 22° as well.

Finally, any pair of corresponding angles formed when a transversal intersects parallel lines will be equal. In this case, the angle A (which we already found to be 22°) and the angle B (which we also found to be 22°) are corresponding angles. Let's call this angle C. Thus, angle C is also 22°.

Therefore, the three other angles that will be 22° are angle A, angle B, and angle C.