Two individuals are riding horses up a mountain path. Bourgeoisby Alfred Jacob MillerThe Walters Art Museum, BaltimoreQuestionLook at the following illustration of an early American settler. It would likely inspire a writer to create a story based on all of the following historic information except(1 point)Responsesthe clothing worn by the individuals.the clothing worn by the individuals.the background scenery.the background scenery.using horses for transportation.using horses for transportation.the color scheme used.the color scheme used.

The color scheme used.

How are artists and writers most similar?(1 point)ResponsesBoth tell stories through their creations.Both tell stories through their creations.Both have trouble getting published.Both have trouble getting published.Both are censored in what they can produce.Both are censored in what they can produce.Both use mathematics to create their products.

Both tell stories through their creations.

What does the artist’s work in this image help the reader understand?(1 point)Responseshow the trees looked in winterhow the trees looked in winterthe idea of a cat fading awaythe idea of a cat fading awaywhat the cat is looking atwhat the cat is looking atthat the cat can talkthat the cat can talk

how the trees looked in winter

To answer this question, we need to analyze the given illustration of an early American settler and consider the historical information associated with it. The question asks us to identify the aspect that does not inspire a writer to create a story.

To approach this question, we need to assess each option and determine if it is a relevant and compelling element that could inspire a writer to create a story.

1. The clothing worn by the individuals: Historical clothing can provide insight into the time period, culture, and social status of the characters. It can be a source of inspiration for a writer to create a story based on clothing styles, trends, and the symbolism associated with the attire. Therefore, this aspect could potentially inspire a writer to create a story.

2. The background scenery: The background scenery can set the mood, create a sense of place, and contribute to the overall atmosphere of a story. It can inspire a writer to develop the setting, describe the landscape, or use the environment for plot development. Hence, this aspect could also potentially inspire a writer to create a story.

3. Using horses for transportation: The use of horses for transportation can be a significant aspect in a historical context, as it influences travel, communication, and daily life. The presence of horses can spark ideas for adventure, conflicts, or journeys in a writer's story. Therefore, this aspect could potentially inspire a writer to create a story.

4. The color scheme used: While the color scheme can enhance the visual appeal of an illustration, it may not necessarily provide historical information or directly inspire a writer to develop a storyline. The choice of colors might be more focused on artistic composition rather than historical significance. Thus, this aspect might be less likely to inspire a writer to create a story compared to the other options.

Considering the given information, the element that is least likely to inspire a writer to create a story would be "the color scheme used."