Mr. Imani wants to purchase paper and notebooks for his classroom at dollar discount, he can buy packs of paper for $1.25 each and notebooks for $2.50 each model by one dollar and 25+ $2.50 evaluate for P equals 10 NN equals 30 to find how much it will cost for Mr. Imani to purchase 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks

A. 450.00
B. 43.75
C. 87.50
D. 62.50

First, let's calculate the cost of purchasing 10 packs of paper. Each pack costs $1.25, so 10 packs will cost 10 * $1.25 = $<<10*1.25=12.50>>12.50.

Next, let's calculate the cost of purchasing 30 notebooks. Each notebook costs $2.50, so 30 notebooks will cost 30 * $2.50 = $<<30*2.5=75.00>>75.00.
Finally, let's calculate the total cost by adding the cost of the paper and the notebooks: $12.50 + $75.00 = $<<12.50+75=87.50>>87.50.
Therefore, the correct option is C. 87.50.