Describe a situation of a linear pattern

A situation with a linear pattern could be observing the growth of a plant over time. Let's say you are studying the growth of a sunflower plant over a period of 10 days. Each day, you measure the plant's height and record it in centimeters.

On the first day, the plant is 5 centimeters tall. Over the next nine days, the plant grows at a constant rate of 2 centimeters per day. So, on the second day, it will be 7 centimeters tall; on the third day, it will be 9 centimeters tall, and so on.

This linear pattern continues with the plant growing 2 centimeters taller each day. By the tenth day, the plant will have reached a height of 23 centimeters.

In this situation, the relationship between the days and the height of the plant is linear because the change in height is constant and predictable. Each day, the plant grows by the same amount, showing a consistent and steady progression in its growth.