Climate change will likely increase monarch butterflies' (1 point)

O competition.
O resources.
O population.
O habitat:

O habitat.

are u sure

I apologize for the confusion. My previous response was incorrect. Climate change is actually projected to negatively impact the habitat of monarch butterflies. The loss of suitable breeding and feeding grounds due to changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and vegetation can result in a decline in their population. Therefore, the correct answer is that climate change will likely decrease monarch butterflies' habitat.

Identify if the three sentences are reliable or unreliable. A. The first pioneers to explore the opal fields found an unpleasant and unfriendly environment. B. None of the pioneers liked summer because it was dreadfully hot. C. To adapt to the challenging environment, pioneers built underground homes. (1 point) Responses A is reliable, B is unreliable, C is reliable A is reliable, B is unreliable, C is reliable A is reliable, B is reliable, C is unreliable A is reliable, B is reliable, C is unreliable A is unreliable, B is unreliable, C is reliable A is unreliable, B is unreliable, C is reliable A is reliable, B is reliable, C is reliable

The correct answer is:

A is reliable, B is unreliable, C is reliable.

To determine the likely impact of climate change on monarch butterflies' habitat, you would need to consider the specific characteristics and requirements of monarch butterflies, as well as the anticipated changes in climate.

Here is how you can approach finding the answer to this question:

1. Research the habitat requirements of monarch butterflies: Monarch butterflies require specific environmental conditions for their survival, including milkweed plants for their larvae, nectar-rich plants for adults, and suitable climates that facilitate their migration patterns and hibernation. Look for reputable sources such as scientific journals, research articles, or environmental organizations that provide information on their habitat preferences.

2. Study the projected climate change effects: Climate change can bring about various changes in temperature patterns, precipitation, storms, and other factors that affect ecosystems. Investigate the predicted impacts of climate change by referring to reliable sources like climate models, scientific reports, or reputable environmental agencies that provide information on how climate change is expected to alter habitats.

3. Analyze the potential impacts of climate change on monarch butterflies' habitat: Once you have gathered information on the habitat requirements of monarch butterflies and the projected climate change effects, you can make an educated assessment. Consider how changes in temperature, rainfall patterns, availability of suitable plants, and overall ecological disturbances due to climate change could impact the availability and quality of monarch butterflies' habitat.

Based on current scientific knowledge, it is generally expected that climate change will have adverse effects on monarch butterflies' habitat. The loss of their critical habitat due to changing climate conditions, such as increased temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and the potential decline in milkweed and nectar-rich plants could negatively impact monarch butterflies' population, as well as their ability to migrate and complete their life cycles successfully.