Find the single number that will make these two expressions equivalent

-13.8x +
-4.6 ( 3x - 2.8 ) + 2.5

To make the two expressions equivalent, we need to find a value for x that results in the same output for both expressions.

The first expression is -13.8x. Since there are no other terms or constants, the output of this expression solely depends on the value of x.

The second expression is -4.6(3x - 2.8) + 2.5. Let's simplify this expression to make it easier to compare to the first expression:
-4.6(3x - 2.8) + 2.5 = -13.8x + 12.88 + 2.5 = -13.8x + 15.38

Now we can see that the two expressions are already equivalent. So, for any value of x, both expressions will produce the same output.

Therefore, there is no single number that will make these two expressions equivalent because they are already equivalent for any value of x.