What is an example of citizens exercising popular sovereignty?(1 point)


choosing what career they want to be in
choosing what career they want to be in

electing a leader for their government
electing a leader for their government

obeying laws respecting the rights of others
obeying laws respecting the rights of others

reading the latest news about the government

electing a leader for their government

What is one self-evident right named in the Declaration of Independence?(1 point)


to have liberty
to have liberty

to be educated
to be educated

to be a citizen
to be a citizen

to own a house

to have liberty

The correct answer is "electing a leader for their government". This is an example of citizens exercising popular sovereignty because it refers to the act of choosing and electing a leader who will represent and govern the people. To get this answer, we can break down the options and eliminate the ones that don't align with the concept of popular sovereignty.

- Choosing what career they want to be in: While this is an important decision for individuals, it is not directly related to the exercise of popular sovereignty, which is about citizens participating in the governing process.
- Obeying laws respecting the rights of others: This option is related to citizenship and adhering to laws, but it doesn't necessarily involve the direct exercise of popular sovereignty. It focuses more on being a responsible citizen.
- Reading the latest news about the government: While staying informed about the government is crucial for an engaged citizenry, simply reading the news does not directly equate to exercising popular sovereignty.

By process of elimination, we can identify "electing a leader for their government" as the only option that directly relates to citizens participating in governing by electing their leaders.