What is an example of humans over-hunting an animal to extinction?

An example of humans over-hunting an animal to extinction is the passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius). Once one of the most abundant bird species in North America, with flocks that could darken the sky, they were hunted to extinction in a relatively short period of time. The commercial hunting for their meat and feathers, as well as habitat destruction, significantly reduced their population. The last known passenger pigeon, named Martha, died in captivity in 1914, marking the extinction of the species.

in kedz form

Humans over-hunted the passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) to extinction. This bird species was once incredibly numerous in North America, with flocks so vast that they would obscure the sky. However, due to intense commercial hunting for their meat and feathers, coupled with habitat destruction, their population declined drastically. The last individual of this species, named Martha, died in captivity in 1914, signifying the complete extinction of the passenger pigeon.

An example of humans over-hunting an animal to extinction is the case of the passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) in North America.

To find this example, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for information about extinct animals caused by human hunting. This can be done using an internet search engine like Google or Bing.

2. Use keywords like "extinct animals due to human hunting" or "over-hunting leading to animal extinction."

3. Look for reputable sources such as scientific articles, books, or reports from reputable conservation organizations.

4. In your search results, you will likely come across various examples of animals that went extinct due to over-hunting. Select the passenger pigeon as your example.

The passenger pigeon once existed in enormous flocks, with estimates of billions of individuals. However, in the 19th century, the population was decimated due to extensive hunting and habitat loss. The pigeons were hunted for meat and feathers, and their habitat was also destroyed due to deforestation. Despite the passenger pigeon's once vast numbers, the combination of excessive hunting and loss of habitat resulted in the extinction of the species. The story of the passenger pigeon serves as a cautionary tale of the devastating impact humans can have on a species when exploitation goes unchecked.