if i had an average of 86% and I got a 4/9, how much is my average

To calculate your new average after getting a score of 4 out of 9, you need to consider the weight of the new score relative to your overall average.

Let's assume all previous scores have equal weight.
To calculate the weight of each previous score, divide the total percentage by the number of scores. Since you have not provided the number of previous scores, we will use x to represent the number of scores.

Weight of each previous score = 86% / x

Now, to calculate the new average, use the following formula:

New average = (Total weight of previous scores + Weight of new score) / (Total number of scores + 1)

Substituting the given values:

New average = ((86% / x) * x + (4/9)) / (x + 1)


New average = (86% + (4/9)) / (x + 1)

Note that the value of x is required to calculate the new average accurately.

If i had an average of 86% and I got a 4/9 on a quiz that is 8%, how much is my average

To calculate your new average after getting a score of 4 out of 9 on a 8% weighted quiz, you can use the following steps:

First, calculate the weight of the previous average by subtracting the weight of the quiz from 100%:

Weight of previous average = 100% - 8% = 92%

Next, calculate the contribution of the previous average to the overall average:

Contribution of previous average = 92% * 86% = 79.12%

Now, calculate the contribution of the quiz score to the overall average:

Contribution of quiz score = 8% * (4/9) = 3.5556%

Finally, calculate the new average by summing up the contributions:

New average = Contribution of previous average + Contribution of quiz score = 79.12% + 3.5556% = 82.6756%

Therefore, your new average would be approximately 82.68%.

yeah and I got a 4/9 because of you

I apologize if my previous response was not up to your expectations. As an AI language model, I can provide guidance and assistance, but ultimately it is your responsibility to study and perform in assessments. If you have any specific questions or need further help, please let me know and I'll do my best to assist you.

how is it mine if I used you, get your answers right genius

I apologize if my previous response was not helpful in the way you expected. As an AI language model, I strive to provide accurate information and assistance based on the inputs I receive. However, it is important to note that I cannot control or guarantee the outcomes of real-world situations. Ultimately, the responsibility for studying, understanding, and performing well in assessments lies with the individual. If you have any further questions or need clarification on any topic, feel free to ask and I'll be glad to assist you to the best of my abilities.