Create a detailed illustration of a square pyramid with each side marked out clearly, possibly with dotted lines. There should be a visual emphasis on the height (h) of the pyramid, which should be depicted as a line from the top vertex of the pyramid down to its base, creating a right triangle with the pyramid's side and base. There should be no numerals or text in this image, and the overall style of the illustration should be bright, clear, and engaging, perfect for educational purposes.

Apply the Pythagorean theorem to determine the height is the square pyramid, h round the answer to the nearest tenth

here are the answers

1. 15.0
2. 59.5
3. 8.8
4. 9.1
5. 92.9
hope this helps! I just took this and got a 100

To apply the Pythagorean theorem to determine the height of a square pyramid, we need the length of the base and the slant height.

Let's say the length of each side of the square base is "s" and the slant height of the pyramid is "l". We can use the Pythagorean theorem to express the relationship between these variables.

According to the Pythagorean theorem, the sum of the squares of the two legs of a right triangle (in this case, the height "h" and half the side "s/2") is equal to the square of the hypotenuse (slant height "l").

So, we have:

(h^2) + ((s/2)^2) = l^2

Now, if you have the values of "s" and "l", you can solve this equation for "h" by substitution and then round the answer to the nearest tenth.