determine if the data in the table represents a proportional re;ationship. if not, incated why?

hours biked miles traveled
1 12
2 26
3 30
4 48

answers yes, 1.the data represents a proportional relationship. 2.yes, the data represents equivalent ratios 3. no, the ratios are not all equivalent. 4. no, the ratios cannot be simplified

The correct answer is 3. No, the ratios are not all equivalent.

To determine if the data represents a proportional relationship, we need to check if the ratios of hours biked to miles traveled are equivalent for all the data points.

Let's calculate the ratios for each data point:

1 hour biked - 12 miles traveled: 1/12 = 0.083...
2 hours biked - 26 miles traveled: 2/26 = 0.077...
3 hours biked - 30 miles traveled: 3/30 = 0.1
4 hours biked - 48 miles traveled: 4/48 = 0.083...

As we can see, the ratios are not all the same. Therefore, the data does not represent a proportional relationship.