Craig has two jobs, Job A and Job B. The table shows the hours he worked at each job per week and his total salary for both jobs during each of two weeks.

Craig’s Working Hours and Salary
Week Number of Hours
at Job A Number of Hours
at Job B Total Salary
First 15 30 $570
Second 15 32 $594

If his salary at each job is based on a constant hourly rate, what is Craig’s hourly rate for working at Job B?










To find Craig's hourly rate for working at Job B, we need to calculate the ratio of his total salary at Job B to the number of hours he worked at Job B.

In the first week, Craig worked 30 hours at Job B and earned a total salary of $570. Therefore, his hourly rate at Job B for the first week is $570 / 30 hours = $19/hour.

In the second week, Craig worked 32 hours at Job B and earned a total salary of $594. Therefore, his hourly rate at Job B for the second week is $594 / 32 hours = $18.56/hour.

Since the question asks for the hourly rate of Job B, we can take the average of the two rates: ($19/hour + $18.56/hour) / 2 = $18.78/hour.

Therefore, Craig's hourly rate for working at Job B is closest to $19. Answer: $19.