Houston, Texas: 2020 Population

Ethnicity Percent of Population
Hispanic or Latino 44.5
White 24.1
Black 22.8
Asian 6.9
Two or More Races 7.0
The table provides evidence that could be cited to support which of the following statements?

(1 point)

Houston is rapidly becoming a very diverse city.
Houston is rapidly becoming a very diverse city.

Asian people living in Houston have a lower median income than the national average.
Asian people living in Houston have a lower median income than the national average.

Hispanics are the single largest ethnic group in Houston.
Hispanics are the single largest ethnic group in Houston.

White people make up a majority of the population of Houston.
White people make up a majority of the population of Houston.
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The evidence from the table supports the statement that Hispanics are the single largest ethnic group in Houston.