Stacy is painting her bedroom. She is able to paint 3/4 of the bedroom in 3 hours. At this rate, how long willit take her to

paint the entire room? (1 point)

To find out how long it will take Stacy to paint the entire room, we can use the concept of proportions.

If Stacy is able to paint 3/4 of the room in 3 hours, then we can set up the following proportion:

(3/4) room / 3 hours = (1) room / x hours

To find the value of x (the time it will take Stacy to paint the entire room), we can cross multiply:

(3/4) room * x hours = (1) room * 3 hours

Multiplying the fractions, we get:

(3x/4) hours = 3 hours

To isolate x (the time it will take Stacy), we can divide both sides of the equation by (3/4) hours:

x = (3 hours) / (3/4) hours

Dividing, we get:

x = 4 hours

Therefore, it will take Stacy 4 hours to paint the entire room.