What is the characteristics/properties of a Metalloid?

Semi conductor, Si, zigzag line on the periodic table, in between metals and nonmetals
Have some characteristics of metals and nonmetals, on the right of the periodic table, Si
Starts with Baron, the the left of the periodic table, characteristics of metals and nonmetals,

Metalloids are a group of elements that exhibit properties of both metals and nonmetals. Some of the characteristics and properties of metalloids include:

1. Semi-conductor: Metalloids have intermediate conductivity between that of metals and nonmetals. They can conduct electricity under certain conditions but not as efficiently as metals.

2. Position on the periodic table: Metalloids are located in a zigzag line on the periodic table, separating metals from nonmetals. The metalloids on the right side of the periodic table include elements such as silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), and arsenic (As).

3. Chemical properties: Metalloids can display both metallic and nonmetallic chemical properties. For example, they can form covalent compounds like nonmetals but can also exhibit metallic bonding.

4. Physical properties: Metalloids typically have a lustrous appearance like metals, but they are less malleable and ductile. They tend to be brittle and more rigid than metals.

5. Electrical conductivity: Metalloids' electrical conductivity can be altered by temperature and impurities, making them useful in electronic devices such as transistors.

6. Metalloid behavior: Metalloids may have varying degrees of reactivity, with some showing more metallic behavior (e.g., aluminum) and others exhibiting more nonmetallic behavior (e.g., carbon).

7. Important applications: Metalloids have various practical applications due to their unique characteristics. For instance, silicon is vital in the manufacturing of computer chips and other electronic devices. Boron, another metalloid, is used in heat-resistant materials and as a dopant in semiconductors.

Overall, metalloids possess a combination of metallic and nonmetallic properties, making them a diverse group on the periodic table.