Rivers provided a source of both irrigation and transportation.

O Deserts limited communication and transportation.
Open plains allow for easy transportation throughout the region.
• Trading goods and information in the region was not possible.

Without rivers, there would be no source of water for irrigation, making agriculture and settlements difficult to sustain. Additionally, rivers allowed for transportation of goods and people, enabling trade and cultural exchange between different regions. Therefore, rivers played a crucial role in the development and prosperity of civilizations located near them.

On the other hand, deserts posed challenges in terms of communication and transportation. The lack of water and harsh climate made it difficult for people to traverse through deserts, limiting trade routes and contact with distant communities. As a result, desert regions were often isolated and had limited interactions with the outside world.

Open plains, on the contrary, facilitated easy transportation throughout the region. With no natural barriers like mountains or dense forests, people could travel and transport goods more efficiently. This allowed for the expansion of trade networks and the exchange of ideas and innovations across the plains.

Overall, while rivers and open plains provided opportunities for communication, transportation, and trade, deserts presented obstacles in these aspects. The availability or unavailability of such geographical features influenced the flow of goods and information in the region.