Why did the first inhabitants of mainland Southeast Asia settle in plains and river valleys?(1 point) Responses Those areas were easy to defend. Those areas were easy to defend. Those areas were good for farming. Those areas were good for farming. Those areas were best for trade. Those areas were best for trade. D. Those areas were close to towns. D. Those areas were close to towns.

The correct answer is: Those areas were good for farming.

The first inhabitants of mainland Southeast Asia settled in plains and river valleys because these areas provided fertile soil and access to water sources, which were essential for successful agriculture and farming.

you positive

Yes, I am positive. The first inhabitants of mainland Southeast Asia settled in plains and river valleys because those areas were good for farming.

The first inhabitants of mainland Southeast Asia settled in plains and river valleys primarily because those areas were good for farming.

To understand this, it is helpful to consider the geographical features of Southeast Asia. Mainland Southeast Asia consists of countries like Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar, which are characterized by diverse landscapes. The region is mostly covered by mountains, plateaus, and dense rainforests. However, there are also extensive plains and river valleys that provide fertile land for agriculture.

Farming was crucial for the early inhabitants of this region as it provided them with a stable food supply. The plains and river valleys offered rich alluvial soil, which was ideal for cultivating crops such as rice, corn, and various fruits and vegetables. The availability of water from the rivers also made irrigation easier for agriculture.

Additionally, settling in plains and river valleys provided the early inhabitants with easy access to water sources for drinking, cooking, and bathing. Rivers acted as transportation routes, allowing for trade and exchange of goods with neighboring communities. These waterways were important for communication and the development of early civilizations.

While defense and proximity to towns may have been factors for some settlements, the primary reason for choosing plains and river valleys as settlement locations was their suitability for farming and agricultural activities.