Describe Africa’s role in the global economy during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.(1 point)


Africans in the Kingdom of Kongo primarily profited off of the slave trade with Asia.
Africans in the Kingdom of Kongo primarily profited off of the slave trade with Asia.

Africa sold gold, ivory, and enslaved people while under the control of Portugal.
Africa sold gold, ivory, and enslaved people while under the control of Portugal.

Africans sold enslaved people to the Middle East to do hard labor.
Africans sold enslaved people to the Middle East to do hard labor.

Africans sold pottery, silks, glassware, and porcelain to Asia and the Middle East.

Africa's role in the global economy during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries involved various aspects, including the slave trade, natural resources, and trade with other regions.

One significant aspect was the involvement of Africans in the Kingdom of Kongo in the slave trade with Asia. They primarily profited from this trade, participating in the exchange of enslaved individuals with Asian countries.

In addition, Africa, particularly under the control of Portugal, engaged in the sale of valuable commodities such as gold, ivory, and enslaved people. These goods were highly sought after by European powers, who saw them as valuable resources for their own economic gains.

Furthermore, Africans also sold enslaved people to the Middle East for hard labor. The demand for labor in the Middle East, particularly for tasks like agriculture and construction, led to the trade of enslaved individuals from Africa to the Middle Eastern countries.

Lastly, Africa participated in trade with Asia and the Middle East by exporting goods like pottery, silks, glassware, and porcelain. These products were highly desired by Asian and Middle Eastern markets, leading to a flourishing trade relationship between Africa and these regions.

To gather more detailed information on Africa's role in the global economy during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, one can refer to historical records, academic research, and primary sources from that time period. These sources can provide specific examples, statistics, and further insights into Africa's economic activities and interactions with other parts of the world during that era.