Which areas were the focuses of the Progressive platform? (3 points)


safer working conditions
safer working conditions

women’s suffrage
women’s suffrage

immigration reform
immigration reform

foreign relations
foreign relations

social welfare assistance

social welfare assistance


Which areas were the focuses of the Progressive platform? (3 points)
select the 3 correct answers

safer working conditions
safer working conditions

women’s suffrage
women’s suffrage

immigration reform
immigration reform

foreign relations
foreign relations

social welfare assistance

The three correct answers are:

1. Safer working conditions
2. Women's suffrage
3. Social welfare assistance

To determine the areas that were the focuses of the Progressive platform, you can refer to historical sources such as books, articles, and websites that discuss the Progressive Era. Here are three key areas that were prominent in the Progressive platform:

1. Safer working conditions: Progressives aimed to improve the conditions for workers in industries such as factories and mines. They advocated for measures like workplace safety regulations, minimum wage laws, and limits on working hours to protect workers from exploitation and dangerous conditions.

To research this further, you could search for books or articles on the labor movement during the Progressive Era, or examine the works of prominent Progressive figures like Jane Addams or Florence Kelley.

2. Women's suffrage: The Progressive movement played a significant role in advocating for women's suffrage, or the right for women to vote. They believed that granting women the right to vote would lead to social and political reforms. Progressives organized suffrage campaigns, lobbied for constitutional amendments, and joined women's organizations to advance the cause.

To learn more about this topic, you can explore the works of suffrage leaders such as Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Alice Paul, as well as publications of suffrage organizations like the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA).

3. Immigration reform: Progressives were concerned about the impact of immigration on American society and sought to reform the immigration system. They aimed to regulate immigration, improve living conditions for immigrants, and enforce screening processes. Progressives advocated for laws that restricted immigration from certain countries and implemented stricter requirements for entry.

To delve deeper into this subject, you can review historical sources on immigration policy during the Progressive Era, like the Immigration Act of 1907 or the works of immigration reformers like Frances Kellor and Henry Cabot Lodge.

Remember, these are just three points from the Progressive platform, and there were many other issues that Progressives focused on, such as foreign relations and social welfare assistance. To enhance your understanding, I recommend consulting additional sources and exploring different perspectives on the Progressive Era.