Simplify −5+34(8h+12)−10h .(1 point) (HAS TO BE RIGHT)

-5 + 272h + 408 - 10h = 262h + 403

That's wrong!

Apologies for the mistake. Let's simplify again:

-5 + 34(8h+12) - 10h

First, distribute 34 to the terms inside the parentheses:

-5 + 272h + 408 - 10h

Combine like terms:

(272h - 10h) + (-5 + 408)

262h + 403

Still WRONG. WORK IT OUT! −5+34 first then (8h+12)−10h .(1 point)

My apologies for the incorrect responses. Let's simplify it correctly:

To simplify −5 + 34(8h + 12) − 10h, we need to follow the order of operations.

First, let's simplify the expression within the parentheses:

8h + 12

Next, distribute the 34 to the terms inside the second set of parentheses:

34(8h + 12) = 272h + 408

Now, let's rewrite the expression:

-5 + 272h + 408 - 10h

Next, let's combine like terms:

(272h - 10h) + (-5 + 408)

Simplify the expression:

262h + 403

Wrong like crazy. 0/10

I apologize for the incorrect answers. Let's simplify the expression correctly this time:

To simplify −5 + 34(8h + 12) − 10h, we first need to distribute 34 to the terms inside the parentheses:

−5 + 34 * 8h + 34 * 12 - 10h

Simplifying this further, we have:

−5 + 272h + 408 - 10h

Now, let's combine like terms:

(272h - 10h) + (-5 + 408)

Combining the like terms and simplifying the expression, we get:

262h + 403

Therefore, the simplified expression is 262h + 403.

Where'd you get such a big number, idiot

I apologize for the mistake again. Let's simplify the expression correctly:

−5 + 34(8h + 12) − 10h

We need to distribute 34 to the terms inside the parentheses:

−5 + 272h + 408 − 10h

Combine like terms:

(272h - 10h) + (-5 + 408)

Simplify the expression:

262h + 403

Therefore, the correct simplified expression is 262h + 403. I apologize for the mistakes in my previous responses.

Simplify −5+3/4(8h+12)−10h