Andrew is writing an essay with the claim that playing a team sport is beneficial for students. Which kind of evidence could he use to support his claim?

a a list of the number of students from his state who became professional athletes
b data detailing the positive physical effects of outdoor activity
c statistics showing the percentage of students who participate in team sports
d a study explaining that team sports teach students social skills

All of the following options could be used as evidence to support the claim that playing a team sport is beneficial for students:

- A list of the number of students from his state who became professional athletes: This evidence would show that playing a team sport could potentially lead to professional success in the field.

- Data detailing the positive physical effects of outdoor activity: This evidence would demonstrate the physical benefits that students can gain from playing team sports, such as improved cardiovascular health, increased strength, and enhanced overall fitness.

- Statistics showing the percentage of students who participate in team sports: This evidence would indicate the popularity and interest in team sports among students, suggesting that it is a beneficial and enjoyable activity for many individuals.

- A study explaining that team sports teach students social skills: This evidence would emphasize the social advantages of participating in team sports, such as improved communication, teamwork, leadership, and cooperation skills. These skills are important not only in sports but also in various aspects of life.