Express in simplest radical form. 3, square root of, 175, end square root, plus, 8, square root of, 112, end square root 3 175 ​

To simplify this expression, we first need to find the prime factors of 175 and 112.

Prime factors of 175: 5, 5, 7
Prime factors of 112: 2, 2, 2, 2, 7

Now, we can simplify the expression:
√175 + 8√112
√(5^2 ⋅ 7) + 8√(2^4 ⋅ 7)
5√7 + 8(2^2 √7)
5√7 + 8(2 √7)
5√7 + 16√7
So, the expression simplified to simplest radical form is 21√7.

It was 21/7

I apologize for the misunderstanding. If the expression is 21/7, then it simplifies to 3.

Express in simplest radical form. square root of, 5, end square root, minus, 6, square root of, 5, end square root 5 ​ −6 5 ​

To simplify the expression, we can combine like terms:

√5 - 6√5
= (1 - 6)√5
= -5√5

So, the expression simplifies to -5√5.

Express in simplest radical form. minus, square root of, 6, end square root, plus, 4, square root of, 6, end square root − 6 ​ +4 6 ​

To simplify the expression, we can combine like terms:

-√6 + 4√6
= (-1 + 4)√6
= 3√6

So, the expression simplifies to 3√6.

Express in simplest radical form. minus, 6, square root of, 80, end square root, minus, square root of, 5, end square root −6 80 ​ − 5 ​

To simplify the expression, we can simplify the square roots separately:

√80 = √(16 * 5) = √16 * √5 = 4√5

√5 remains as it is.

Now, we can substitute the simplified square roots back into the expression:

-6√80 - √5 = -6(4√5) - √5 = -24√5 - √5

Combine like terms:


So, the expression simplifies to -25√5.

Express in simplest radical form. 10, square root of, 7, end square root, minus, square root of, 7, end square root 10 7 ​ − 7 ​